Protest: USDA, Bloomberg, don’t kill Canada Geese. We want them in our parks!

This was a protest in front of City Hall to demand Mayor Bloomberg to stop killing the Canada Geese in New York City.

Esta fué una pequeña protesta enfrente de City Hall para demandar el Alcalde Bloomberg que pare de matar los gansos canadienses en los parques de la Ciudad de Nueva York.

PLEASE come to the “Rally at Mayor Bloomberg’s Mansion to Protest NYC’s Canada Goose Slaughter”.
Thursday, June 30 · 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Mayor Bloomberg’s Mansion
17 East 79th St (between Madison & Fifth Ave)
New York, NY
If you aren’t in NYC or can’t attend, please SIGN THIS PETITION:

Si estan en Nueva York, los invito a asistir a una concentración enfrente de la mansión del Alcalde Bloomberg para pedir que su gobierno deje de matar los gansos Canadienses. El Martes, 28 de Junio matarón a los gansos en el parque Inwood.

Es importante que hagamos algo para detener el exterminio de estas aves en nuestros parques. ASISTE a la protesta que se realizará el JUEVES, 30 DE JUNIO. 6pm – 8pm.

Protesta: "Salvemos Nuestros Gansos Canadienses". City Hall, Ciudad de Nueva York. Jueves, 23 de Junio, 2011.

* In 2010 the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) came to our town and slaughtered our city’s Geese with the complicity of Mayor Bloomberg and the city government. This was the second year geese have been killed under the ruse of “air safety.”

* Close to 400 resident geese were massacred from Prospect Park alone. The local community was horrified and galvanized to speak out.

* 1,676 geese throughout the five boroughs were killed in 2010. 1,235 in 2009. These are families, goslings, mated pairs of beautiful Canada Geese.

Let’s stop this in 2011!

El Martes, 28 de Junio 2011, el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos de America en colaboración con el gobierno de la Ciudad de Nueva York, mató a todos los gansos canadienses en el parque Inwood en Manhattan. En el 2011, el gobierno de Bloomberg planea matar a 800 gansos. Que los aeropuertos, las aerolíneas usen la tecnología conocidad como, “Sistema Merlin de Radar Aviar” y asi evitar accidentes.

The slaughter of NYC’s geese has already begun.
“Dear Inwood friends:
(on 6-28-2011) I was out on the peninsula this morning when a convoy of trucks pulled up carrying canoes and plastic crates. It was the people from the Department of Agriculture who had… come to capture and kill all of our geese. There were 30 who had made their home here in our park, including the babies.

There were about a dozen geese in the barbecue area and I started to move in their direction to scare them off to try to save them when one of the men told me that if I interfered with the capture, he would have me arrested. If I hadn’t had the dogs with me, I would have accepted that challenge. It would have been worth it to save a few of the geese. But realized that if they took me to jail, they would put Bodhi and Bindu in the pound, so I had to leave as they requested. If my son had been here to take the dogs, I would have accepted the challenge just to publicize this barbarity.

I came back about 15 minutes later with my camera, after calling 311 to register my horror with Bloomberg’s office and the Parks Department, but they had already left with all the geese. I also contacted NY1 tv ( All of the geese were gone, except for two in the far distance.”

NYC ALERT: Join Friends of Animals for a huge Rally at Mayor Bloomberg’s Mansion to Protest NYC’s Canada Goose Slaughter–Thursday, June 30th, 6pm-8pm at 17 East 79th St, between Madison & Fifth Ave. Thousands of geese have been killed & this War on Wildlife will continue unless we speak out & demand change. Join us at the Mayor’s door in demanding an end to the killing.

You should get involve because… “First they came…” is a famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. The text of the quotation is usually presented roughly as follows:

“First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Speak out for others, so others speak out for you!