UPDATED on 12/31/2017.
Saturday, November 4, 2017. New York City – On Friday, November 3, 2017, family members and friends of Fay Chiang gathered at One Art Space in Manhattan, NYC, to celebrate her life.
Fay Ping Chiang was born in the Bronx, New York City on January 27, 1952. Fay passed away on October 20, 2017.
“Fay Chiang, whose quest to understand her identity as a child of Chinese immigrants found outlets in vivid poetry and in community activism that helped elevate Asian-American education and culture, died on Oct. 20 in a hospice in the Bronx. She was 65.”_ The New York Times
Friday, November 3, 2017 – One Art Space. “Fay Chiang. A celebration.”
Whenever people (especially young people) felt rejected, unwanted, they went to Fay Chiang. Fay loved them. Fay accepted them. She was kind with other people. For many people, Fay was like a mother or a sister.
I always felt welcome by Fay. Although I only knew Fay for a few years, I loved her.
I dedicate this video to: Fay Chiang, Erica Garner (Eric Garner’s daughter) and my mother, Maria Guadalupe C. C. Warrior women!
“The anger and sadness I feel as I paint these young faces cannot be measured against the grief and strength of the families who speak out against the violence wrought upon their own, as though they were animals hunted down by predators.” —Fay Chiang
“Cases of police brutality are increasing at an alarming rate. But how often do we hear the stories of the victims and their loved ones? For the past ten years, Fay Chiang has been paying tribute to the victims by painting their portraits.”_Project Space
I made this video for the event on 11/3/2017.
Sister of Fay and other people that knew her share their thoughts about Fay Chiang.
Memorial for Fay Chiang. Sunday, October 29, 2017.
Fay was the mother, sister, and comrade to many individuals and movements for justice, peace, and dignity. Prayers honoring her spirit and achievements took place at a spiritual community that has been one of her places of refuge.
America Burma Buddhist Association and Meditation Center of New York.
619 Bergen Street
Brooklyn, New York 11238
Videos filmed and edited by Javier Soriano
El Viernes, 3 de Noviembre del 2017, familiares, amigas y amigos de Fay Chiang se reunieron en One Art Space en Manhattan, Ciudad de Nueva York, para celebrar su vida.
Fay Ping Chiang nació en el Bronx, Nueva York, el 27 de Enero de 1952. Fay falleció el 20 de Octubre del 2017.
Cada vez que las personas (especialmente las y los jóvenes) se sentían rechazadas o rechazados, no deseadas o no deseados, acudían a Fay Chiang. Fay las y los amaba. Fay las y los aceptaba. Ella fue amable con otras personas. Para muchas personas, Fay era como una madre o una hermana.
Siempre me sentí bienvenido por Fay. Aunque solo conocí a Fay por algunos años, la quería mucho.
Dedico estos videos a: Fay Chiang, Erica Garner (hija de Eric Garner) y mi madre, Maria Guadalupe C. C. ¡Mujeres guerreras!
Videos filmados y editados por Javier Soriano
Bellow you can see some photos I took of Fay and her friends in 2015.
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¡Hola, gracias por visitar mi sitio! Mi trabajo está totalmente financiado por mí, así que si te gusta mi trabajo, considera compartirlo, y también puedes apoyarme con algo de dinero usando Patreon o Paypal. ¡Gracias!
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