World Sea Turtle Day is on June 16.

Sunday, May 12, 2019. New York City – Every year, people around the world celebrate World Sea Turtle Day on June 16. Sea turtles are in danger of extinction. Everyone can do something for the protection and conservation of sea turtles.

May and June are two important months for turtles. May 23 is “World Turtle Day” and June 16 is “World Sea Turtle Day.”

I am raising money for Turtle Camp Los Quelonios. The Camp is located in Playa Ventura, in the municipality of Copala. State of Guerrero, Mexico.
Please share the campaign on social media using the hashtags #LosQuelonios and #WorldSeaTurtleDay.

Tortuga laúd, también conocida en México como garapacho desovando sus huevos. Esos huevos se colectan y se “siembran” en el vivero del Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios. A leatherback turtle laying her eggs. Leatherback turtles are the biggest sea turtles. Volunteers collect her eggs to plant them in the nursery of Turtle Camp Los Quelonios.
Tortuga laúd, también conocida en México como garapacho desovando sus huevos. Esos huevos se colectan y se “siembran” en el vivero del Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios. A leatherback turtle laying her eggs. Leatherback turtles are the biggest sea turtles. Volunteers collect her eggs to plant them in the nursery of Turtle Camp Los Quelonios.

The camp needs a Quad/ATV, All-Terrain 350, gasoline for the quad, radios, cyclonic mesh, shadow mesh, mosquito net, red lights, latero gloves, brochures, etc. 

Your donation of $25, $50, $100 or more dollars will help to buy what the camp needs. Help SAVE sea turtles (in Mexico) from extinction. Click here to make a contribution today.

El Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios necesita una cuatrimoto 350. Esto ayudará a recorrer distancias más largas y colectar más huevos para sembrarlos en el vivero del campamento. Turtle Camp Los Quelonios needs a Quad/ATV, All-Terrain 350. The quad will help volunteers to travel longer distances and collect more eggs to plant in the camp nursery.
El Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios necesita una cuatrimoto 350. Esto ayudará a recorrer distancias más largas y colectar más huevos para sembrarlos en el vivero del campamento. Turtle Camp Los Quelonios needs a Quad/ATV, All-Terrain 350. The quad will help volunteers to travel longer distances and collect more eggs to plant in the camp nursery.

“World Sea Turtle Day, June 16, is a day used to honor and highlight the importance of sea turtles. These creatures, like any other creature, are magnificent in their own way. Not only are sea turtles beautiful animals, but they also show incredible perseverance and resiliency– after all, they have been nesting on beaches for millions of years. So of course they deserve their own day dedicated to their awesomeness!

World Sea Turtle Day would not be rightfully celebrated without mentioning, Dr. Archie Carr, STC’s founder and “father of sea turtle biology.” World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated the same day as Dr. Carr’s birthday, June 16. Dr. Carr will forever be remembered for the enhancement of the sea turtle conservation movement and the legacy he has left behind. His research and advocacy brought the attention to the threatening conditions that continue to impact sea turtles. His work highlighted the issue and helped create the community that continues to strive for a better life and future for sea turtles.”_Sea Turtle Conservancy

Tortuga laúd, también conocida en México como garapacho desovando sus huevos. Esos huevos se colectan y se “siembran” en el vivero del Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios. A leatherback turtle laying her eggs. Leatherback turtles are the biggest sea turtles. Volunteers collect her eggs to plant them in the nursery of Turtle Camp Los Quelonios.
Tortuga laúd, también conocida en México como garapacho desovando sus huevos. Esos huevos se colectan y se “siembran” en el vivero del Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios. A leatherback turtle laying her eggs. Leatherback turtles are the biggest sea turtles. Volunteers collect her eggs to plant them in the nursery of Turtle Camp Los Quelonios.

“Seven different species of sea (or marine) turtles grace our ocean waters, from the shallow seagrass beds of the Indian Ocean, to the colorful reefs of the Coral Triangle, and even the sandy beaches of the Eastern Pacific. WWF’s work on sea turtles focuses on five of those species: green, hawksbill, loggerhead, leatherback and olive ridley.

Human activities have tipped the scales against the survival of these ancient mariners. Nearly all species of sea turtle are classified as Endangered. Slaughtered for their eggs, meat, skin and shells, sea turtles suffer from poaching and over-exploitation. They also face habitat destruction and accidental capture in fishing gear. Climate change has an impact on turtle nesting sites. It alters sand temperatures, which then affects the sex of hatchlings. 

WWF is committed to stop the decline of sea turtles and work for the recovery of the species. We work to secure environments in which both turtles—and the people that depend upon them—can survive into the future.” 

Tortuga golfina. Olive Ridley turtle.
Tortuga golfina – Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios. Olive Ridley turtle – Turtle Camp Los Quelonios.

Adopt a Sea Turtle!
Make a symbolic turtle adoption to help save sea turtles (some of the world’s most endangered animals) from extinction and support Turtle Camp Los Quelonios’ conservation efforts. You will receive a picture of a sea turtle and a thank you letter. Click here to make a donation now.

Niños apoyando el campamento tortuguero con la liberación de crías de tortugas. Children helping the turtle camp in the liberation of baby turtles.
Niños apoyando el campamento tortuguero con la liberación de crías de tortugas. Children helping the turtle camp in the liberation of baby turtles.

Make a donation in honor of someone—to celebrate a birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, wedding, your child, maternity, Sweet Sixteen, holiday, or another special occasion—or in memory of someone. Click here to make a donation today. Sea turtles and volunteers will be very grateful. Thank you!

Vivero del Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios. Nursery of Turtle camp Los Quelonios. Playa Ventura, Copala. Guerrero, Mexico.
Vivero del Campamento Tortuguero Los Quelonios. Nursery of Turtle camp Los Quelonios. Playa Ventura, Copala. Guerrero, Mexico.

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