Tuesday, November 26th, 2013. New York City – There was a rally and march in support of Kyam Livingston on Thursday, November 21st, 2013 on East 18th Street and Church Ave in the neighborhood of Flatbush, Brooklyn.
Kyam Livingston, a 37 year old mom, died in Brooklyn Central Bookings after crying out in pain for 7 hours. Her pleas for medical attention were ignored. No one has been held accountable.
According to witnesses, inmates’ pleas for help were ignored as Livingston complained of stomach pains and diarrhea.
The Huffington Post reports that The family of Kyam Livingston, who died in police custody this past July, is suing New York City and the NYPD.
Her mother, Anita Neal, 61, wants to know the names of the officers who were working that night and she also wants to see the surveillance video from the holding cell.
Video of the march. Video published on Youtube by hannington16.
Anita Neal (mother of Kyam Livingston) and other speakers speak at the rally.
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