12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance in New York City (VIDEO/PHOTOS).

Wednesday, October 16th, 2019. Manhattan, New York City – On Sunday, October 13th, 2019, Indigenous peoples and their allies gathered at Columbus circle (59th Street and Central Park West) to celebrate the NYC’s 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance.

10/13/2019 – 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance.


Miércoles 16 de octubre de 2019. Manhattan, Ciudad de Nueva York – El domingo 13 de octubre de 2019, personas Indígenas y sus aliados se reunieron en Columbus Circle (59th Street y Central Park West), Ciudad de Nueva York, para celebrar el 12.° Día Anual de Recordatorio Indígena.

Sunday, October 13th, 2019. New York City - Indigenous peoples and their allies gathered at Columbus circle (59th Street and Central Park West) to celebrate NYC’s 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance. More and more cities and states in the United States of America are honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Sunday, October 13th, 2019. New York City – Indigenous peoples and their allies gathered at Columbus circle (59th Street and Central Park West) to celebrate NYC’s 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance. More and more cities and states in the United States of America are honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com

I am an independent journalist. Support independent journalism. Make a donation using PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/javiersoriano1 .

Organizers said on Facebook: “(This is) an annual Indigenous event that remembers and honors the Indigenous ancestors whom suffered or were murdered by the invaders and colonizers in 1492 to the present day. We also remember and honor all the Indigenous African peoples that were stolen, and enslaved for the sake of racist patriarchal profit on Turtle Island. We honor the two spirit + LGBTQIA community and remember Black trans women who have been murdered in the so called “U.S.A.” We make space to call out the names of missing and murdered Indigenous women whose cases continue to go unsolved.

As the so called “U.S.A” celebrates the memory of Christopher Columbus, the Indigenous community remembers our ancestral memory of loss as well as seeking justice and healing from our collective ancestral trauma.”

Some people celebrate Christopher Columbus Day. Indigenous peoples and their allies celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

The National Congress of American Indians passed a formal resolution in 2011 advocating for the second Monday of October to be renamed from Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. Cities and states have followed suit since then.

More and more cities and states in the U.S. of America are honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day.

Interactive map of the 11 states and 129 cities recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day in 2019.

According to a report by Newsweek published on October 7th, 2019, “79 percent of college students support getting rid of Columbus Day to acknowledge Indigenous Peoples Day.”

Sunday, October 13th, 2019. New York City - Indigenous peoples and their allies gathered at Columbus circle (59th Street and Central Park West) to celebrate NYC’s 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance. More and more cities and states in the United States of America are honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Sunday, October 13th, 2019. New York City – Indigenous peoples and their allies gathered at Columbus circle (59th Street and Central Park West) to celebrate NYC’s 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance. More and more cities and states in the United States of America are honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com


Sunday, October 13th, 2019. New York City - Indigenous peoples and their allies gathered at Columbus circle (59th Street and Central Park West) to celebrate NYC’s 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance. More and more cities and states in the United States of America are honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Sunday, October 13th, 2019. New York City – Indigenous peoples and their allies gathered at Columbus circle (59th Street and Central Park West) to celebrate NYC’s 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance. More and more cities and states in the United States of America are honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com

I am an independent journalist. Support independent journalism. Make a donation using PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/javiersoriano1 .

Actualizado el sábado 8 de octubre de 2022.

Sunday, October 13th, 2019. New York City - Indigenous peoples and their allies gathered at Columbus circle (59th Street and Central Park West) to celebrate NYC’s 12th Annual Indigenous Day of Remembrance. More and more cities and states in the United States of America are honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Domingo 13 de octubre de 2019. Manhattan, ciudad de Neva York – 12º Día Anual de Recordatorio Indígena. Sunday, October 13, 2019. Manhattan, New York City – 12th Annual NYC Indigenous Day of Remembrance. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Domingo 13 de octubre de 2019. Manhattan, ciudad de Neva York – 12º Día Anual de Recordatorio Indígena. Sunday, October 13, 2019. Manhattan, New York City – 12th Annual NYC Indigenous Day of Remembrance. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Domingo 13 de octubre de 2019. Manhattan, ciudad de Neva York – 12º Día Anual de Recordatorio Indígena.
Sunday, October 13, 2019. Manhattan, New York City – 12th Annual NYC Indigenous Day of Remembrance. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com

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