Mi trabajo ha sido publicado por diferentes medios masivos de comunicación y medios independientes. Estos son algunos de ellos.
My work has been published by the mainstream media and independent media. These are some of them.

There were activists in support of Standing Rock and Leonard Peltier.
Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Group Teaches Immigrants About AIDS, Hoping to Head Off a Crisis.
Javier Soriano, the director of Mexicanos Unidos, spoke recently at a Bronx church, part of his effort to teach immigrants about H.I.V. and AIDS.
By SARAH GARLAND/The New York Times.
Published: August 8, 2006
The dozen or so people clustered together on a recent Thursday in the cavernous meeting hall of Our Lady of Refuge Roman Catholic Church in the Bronx included middle-aged mothers, teenage girls and former drug addicts.
Javier Soriano stood up, cleared his throat and strained to make his soft voice fill the room as he asked the group what they knew about AIDS.
There was a long, awkward silence.
He went on, emphasizing the similarities among the strangers who had come together — except for one person from the Dominican Republic, all were Mexican immigrants and all, he said, should learn about the disease, if they wanted to avoid getting it.
“I used to work in a hospital and Mexicans would come into the emergency room,’’ he said, as some of those listening to him averted their eyes. “They were already dying. They didn’t know why.”
Education and condoms are the best defenses against H.I.V., he continued. One of the mothers finally spoke up, “What if you don’t have documents?’’ she asked. “Is it O.K. to go to the hospital?” Yes, he said, and people should get tested for H.I.V. even before they feel sick, even if they are married.
Mr. Soriano, 34, was making his pitch as director of Mexicanos Unidos, a nonprofit group he started that seeks to educate New York’s growing Mexican community about AIDS. It is a difficult task that requires confronting fearful people who are reluctant to even talk about the disease.
The idea for the group started several years ago while Mr. Soriano counseled patients about their medicine at an H.I.V. clinic at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia hospital and began seeing more Mexican patients, many in advanced stages of AIDS. Since then Mr. Soriano has made it his personal mission to combat a health crisis he fears has been building for years in New York City, unnoticed and unchecked.
His main worry was that language and cultural barriers were preventing agencies that have traditionally done H.I.V. outreach to Hispanics to make inroads with newly arrived Mexican immigrants, many of whom come from villages in the states of Puebla, Oaxaca and Guerrero and speak any of a number of local dialects.
“Hispanic providers are expected to understand these new immigrants because they speak Spanish,” but most health workers would probably not understand an immigrant from Mexico who spoke another language, said Dr. Michele Shedlin, a health professor at the University of Texas at El Paso. Dr. Shedlin led a study issued this year about immigrants and H.I.V. risk in New York and works closely with several New York H.I.V. organizations.
Beyond language, Mr. Soriano, who is himself from a small town in Puebla, said limited education and taboos against using condoms also presented obstacles.
Vanessa Ramos, an administrator at the Committee for Hispanic Children and Families, a nonprofit group that sets up an H.I.V. information table at the Mexican Consulate twice a month, said fears of deportation among illegal immigrants was a major barrier in reaching new arrivals.
“People are not just going to open up to you, especially when they’re afraid about their immigration status here,’’ she said. “Trusting governments take time.”
When he arrived in the Bronx seven years ago from the Mexican city of Puebla, José, a 38-year-old gay man who is here illegally, said he knew nothing about AIDS and did not bother learning much about it. “I thought I might be at risk, but I didn’t go ask for information because I was afraid it would be in English and I would be ashamed,’’ said José, speaking in Spanish to this reporter. He did not want his last name used because of his immigration status.
He decided to see a doctor only after having flulike symptoms for six months that were eventually diagnosed as AIDS. Even though he has gotten financial help for medication and housing from gay advocacy organizations, José, who works part-time cleaning apartments and offices, worries about getting sicker. “I don’t have papers, so I don’t have anything,’’ he said. “Even when I feel too bad to work, I have no choice but to go.’’
Although Dr. Shedlin’s study, which was published last year and is being updated this year, did not quantify the number of Mexicans in New York with H.I.V., she said that ignorance combined with risky behavior and isolation from health services have made the community vulnerable to the disease. A decade ago, H.I.V. was almost nonexistent in the regions of Mexico that send many immigrants to New York, she said. Now, according to statistics issued by the Mexican Health Secretary, the states of Guerrero and Puebla have some of the highest rates of H.I.V. infection in Mexico.
“Migrants are bringing H.I.V. back to villages,” Dr. Shedlin said. “We’re very worried about the future.”
The disease had only recently appeared in Puebla when Mr. Soriano, while in college there, worked as a volunteer visiting patients dying of AIDS. Respecting cultural norms, he provided emotional support but never talked about the disease to patients and their families.
Now, Mr. Soriano, who came to New York to study and makes his living as a wedding photographer, takes the opposite approach in his AIDS work. During his treks around the boroughs to church basements and Mexican folkloric festivals, he looks for people he believes have fallen through the cracks of other AIDS prevention efforts. He searches out single men who have left their wives in Mexico to work here and may patronize prostitutes. And he talks to Mexican women who as Hispanics are four times more likely to die of AIDS than white women, according to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
He hands out condoms and fliers he designs that combine Mexican cultural images like the Virgin of Guadalupe with messages about AIDS. He has also linked up with grassroots Mexican groups that may not have AIDS as part of their mission. This month he is organizing an art fair with free H.I.V. testing at a Catholic church in East Harlem. And the Thursday night workshop was organized by Our Lady of Refuge’s Guadalupana Committee, a group originally formed around the annual religious celebration for the Virgin of Guadalupe.
“At first we organized for the Virgin, but then we saw the needs of the community,” said Ignacio Enriquez, 47, the president of the group. “That’s when we invited Javier to come.”
While Mr. Enriquez was disappointed more people did not show up, Mr. Soriano was encouraged. “You have to take the message to those who will listen,” he said. “And you hope they’ll pass it on.”

“In the spirit of King Philip! FREE Leonard Peltier and ALL political prisoners.”
Cole’s Hill. Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Photo by Javier Soriano/http://www.JavierSoriano.com/
Apoya un artista poblano a los migrantes en materia de salud.
Publicado Jueves, 10 de Agosto 2006. Diario de Mexico.
Javier Soriano creó hace 5 años la organización Mexicanos Unidos, que por medio de charlas y talleres orienta a la comunidad sobre la prevención del VIH.
Nueva York.- Promover la salud de los inmigrantes mexicanos en la Gran Manzana es la misión que desde hace 5 años se propuso la organización Mexicanos Unidos, que este mes de agosto celebra un año más de enseñar diferentes maneras de prevenir el Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (Sida).
Javier Soriano, un artista mexicano afincado en el condado de Brooklyn, destaca que la labor de la organización es producto del interés de un grupo de activistas deseosos de llevar campañas de prevención en la comunidad mexicana.
Precisamente hace unos días, la organización Mexicanos Unidos fue reconocida por su trabajo a través de las páginas del prestigiado rotativo norteamericano The New York Times, que elaboró una reseña sobre los servicios que presta a la comunidad inmigrante.
Soriano dijo a Diario de México Edición USA que este reconocimiento por parte del Times es recibido con humildad por los miembros de la organización: “nosotros nada más estamos haciendo nuestro trabajo, queremos que más mexicanos sepan que pueden prevenir este mal y se hagan la prueba del VIH”.
El también artista fotográfico, originario del estado de Puebla, indicó que en la ciudad de Nueva York hay una comunidad mexicana que padece de Sida o VIH y desconoce si puede solicitar programas de ayuda para sobrellevar la enfermedad de la mejor manera.
Los programas que tenemos están enfocados a dar información, charlas y talleres que expliquen los modos de contagio
y la prevención, también hablamos de violencia doméstica y de vicios que pueden dañar la salud y desembocar en una enfermedad como el VIH, aseguró Soriano,quien actualmente se encuentra preparando la Feria Anual de Salud, la cual se llevará a cabo el domingo 27 en la iglesia de Santa Cecilia.
Soriano anunció su Feria Anual de Salud, para el 27, en la iglesia de Santa Cecilia.
El Times señala que estudios recientes en torno a la inmigración y el VIH efectuados por la doctora e investigadora Michele Shedlin, profesora de Salud de la Universidad del Paso Texas, indican que esta enfermedad ha sido propagada en varias regiones de México debido al fenómeno de la inmigración, entre éstas los estados con mayor índice de la enfermedad son Guerrero y Puebla.
Segun el New YorkTimes, la ignorancia combinada con factores de riesgo hacen vulnerable a la comunidad inmigrante.
De acuerdo a Soriano la tesis de la investigadora Shedlin, es a su pesar una realidad y es por eso que han intensificado sus programas a diferentes grupos de la comunidad mexicana: “queremos llegar a todos los sectores, personas adultas, jóvenes, gente con problemas de drogadicción, madres de familia y todos los que podamos aconsejar para prevenir y combatir este mal”, concluyó.

Photo by Javier Soriano/http://www.JavierSoriano.com/
““Mexicanos Unidos” está empeñada en despertar la conciencia de solidaridad entre los hispanos.”
Hispanos contra el SIDA
LOCALES – 11/30/2004
Ricardo Vasconcellos/EDLP
Diario la Prensa
Nueva York — La población hispana en nuestra área es una de las más afectadas por el creciente desarrollo del mortal virus que azota a la humanidad entera.
Bajo el concepto de que la educación y las tareas de prevención son las armas más eficaces en el combate contra el VIH/SIDA, un grupo de voluntarios creó en agosto del 2001 la organización “Mexicanos Unidos”, un grupo sin fines de lucro, que sirve a la comunidad mexicano/latina Nueva York.
“Nuestra misión es la prevención del VIH/SIDA a través de la educación, referimientos y abogacia. Mexicanos Unidos utiliza el arte, la cultura, y todas las formas tradicionales y no tradicionales como medios para promover la prevención, además de la solidaridad y comprensión hacia las personas infectadas y/o afectadas”, dice Javier Soriano, fundador y director de la entidad.
“El 1 de diciembre se celebra una día más de la lucha mundial contra el SIDA. La comunidad mexicana es el tercer grupo más numeroso de hispanos en Nueva York y su crecimiento no se detiene. Es necesario entonces aprender cada día sobre temas que, como el VIH/SIDA, nos están afectando. La educación es la clave para prevenir la diseminación de la enfermedad y en eso estamos empeñados”, agrega Soriano.
“Mexicanos Unidos” no cuenta con apoyo económico de fundaciones gubernamentales aunque se esfuerza por lograr donaciones de otras organizaciones. Fundamentalmente los ingresos provienen de contribuciones de particulares y de iniciativas propias.
“En este momento estamos enviando una postal de la Virgen de Guadalupe en la que consta una oración por los infectados de VIH”, expresa Soriano.
La entidad realiza periódicamente presentaciones, exhibición y distribución de material sobre el VIH/SIDA entre la población hispana.
También envía a quienes acuden en busca de ayuda a centros para la prueba de VIH. Si se trata de personas que son portadoras del virus, la entidad los refiere a otras organizaciones donde pueden obtener servicios como manejo del caso, grupos de apoyo, alimentación, medicinas, ayuda legal, etc.
“En la ciudad, tanto la prueba VIH como el tratamiento, visitas al médico, seguro y otros servicios son gratuitos. No importa que el paciente sea indocumentado. La situación migratoria no influye en la prestación de los servicios y para eso nosotros brindamos ayuda legal al que necesita. Abogamos para que los servicios (ADAP, Medicaid, Vivienda, etc.) continúen”, dice Soriano.
“Mexicanos Unidos” está empeñada en despertar la conciencia de solidaridad entre los hispanos hacia quienes padecen de la enfermedad y reforzar el concepto de prevención entre los jóvenes de modo especial.
“En nuestra comunidad casi no se habla de prevención, pero es más triste cuando nuestras miradas se alejan más de las personas que padecen la enfermedad. Es entonces cuando surgen la indiferencia, o, lo que es peor, la intolerancia para con la gente que está viviendo con el VIH/SIDA”, concluyó.

Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Some of my photographs and videos published by others.
Artist Yasmin Hernandez published one of the pictures I took at the unveiling ceremony of her mural “Soladeras”.

“Yasmin Hernandez’s Soldaderas Mural in East Harlem”
COLORLINES wrote an article about SOLDADERAS. They used 3 of my photos. You can see them here.

“Occupy Wall Street: A Frame Analysis of a Subversive Counter Discourse.”
Tamara Steger – Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University, Nadorut.9, from Budapest, Hungary is using the picture bellow here.

Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
“As ‘Statute of Limitations’ Approaches, Wall Street Crimes of 2008 Go Unpunished.”
Commom Dreams is using the picture bellow here.

Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
“A discussion on strategy for the Occupy Movement from behind enemy lines.”
J. Heshima Denham, Zaharibu Dorrough and Kambui Robinson of the NCTT Corcoran Security Housing Unit (SHU) are using the picture bellow in the article here.

On Saturday, September 17th, 2011 the Occupy Wall Street Movement started in Zuccotti Park.
Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
“Worldwide protests in solidarity with Palestine.”
Occupied Palestine published some of the photographs I took at a rally in NYC in support of Palestine. Bellow one of them. You can see more here.

Demonstración en la Ciudad de Nueva York en apoyo a Palestina.
Foto por Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
NYC Artists Find Inspiration in Sandy.
On February 20, 2013, Cultivating Culture published a photograph I took days after hurricane Sandy (October 29, 2012).
Cultivating Culture, says “It’s been months since Superstorm Sandy swept across the east coast, a swirling mess of destruction. Sandy took out homes and cities, took lives and spirits. Particularly hard hit were the artists of Chelsea and Rockaway. Many had their life’s work washed away, some even losing their homes or studios as well.
Beat down and bedraggled, many artists found themselves refocusing on rebuilding their homes and lives. Art was put in the background, but not for long. Many found that out of the destruction came inspiration, and a need to document the changes Sandy had wrought on New York’s communities, both physically and emotionally.”

Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
“Protestas y ley marcial en Brooklyn por asesinato de Kimani Gray.”
Robert Valencia y Yarisa Colón de GlobalVoices.org usaron varias de las fotos que tome durante las protestas por el asesinato de Kimani Gray. Pueden verlas aquí.

El sábado, 9 de marzo, 2013, Kimani Gray, joven afroamericano de 16 años, fue asesinado por dos oficiales de la policía de la ciudad de Nueva York.
Los oficiales no-uniformados fueron Jovaniel Córdova y Mourad Mourad.
Foto por Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
New Yorkers Protest at NY Senator Gillibrand’s Door.
May 3, 2012 – Friends of Animals used this video for their website.
“Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, home to hundreds of native animals, and New York City’s only federal bird sanctuary — is under attack by US Senator Gillibrand’s new bill to require the USDA’s Wildlife Services agents to kill all the Canada geese and their goslings at Jamaica Bay refuge in June and July of 2012. This wrong-headed, shocking attack on native birds in a federally protected sanctuary has united Friends of Animals and others to oppose the wrong-headed scheme.” Friends of Animals said.
“Chaos on the street of Brooklyn after NYPD kills teenager.”
RT America used some of my footage from my video: NYPD officers killed Kimani Gray on 3/9/2013.
“‘Racist Murder’: Brooklyn in chaos after cops kill teen.”
RT used some of my footage from my video: “Day 2. Protest in Brooklyn for the killing of Kimani Gray.”
4 de Abril, 2017 – Tengo más de 5 mil fotos en mi sitio y más de 300 videos en mi canal de Youtube.
April 4, 2017 – I have more than 5 thousand pictures on my site and more than 300 videos on my Youtube channel.
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