I have been documenting different communities in New York City. Some of the are indigenous people, Black people, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queers, Arab people. etc.
He estado documentando diferentes comunidades en la ciudad de Nueva York. Algunos de ellos son gente indígena, personas de la raza negra, la comunidad lesbica, gay, bisexual, transgenero, queer, personas árabes, etc.
“There is no ART in APARTHEID. Boycott Batsheva!”. NYC. 11/12/2014.
Indigenous and Black communities in NYC and in Mexico.

“Fight enviromental racism. #NoDAPL.”
“Respect Native Sovereignty.”
“Water is Life. #NoDAPL.”
Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com

Photo by Javier Soriano/http://www.JavierSoriano.com/

“Assata (Shakur) is welcome here”
Photo by Javier Soriano/http://www.JavierSoriano.com/

La bandera Palestina y la bandera Mexicana.
Foto por Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
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