Kobe Bryant y GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) van a trabajar juntos para educar a la comunidad sobre la importancia de dejar de usar palabras homofobicas. Tweet El…
Sean libres!
Que tengan un excelente día! Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes esta canción que me gusta mucho. Habla de ese deseo de LIBERTAD que todos los seres humanos tenemos. Libertad de…
You are beautiful!
Have a great day everyone and REMEMBER: “You are beautiful no matter what they say. Words can’t bring you down. You are beautiful in every single way…” Tweet Every…
It is a beautiful day!
Have a beautiful day everyone. Today is your day. You can do it. Tweet I love this song. It’s a beautiful day – Queen: Lyrics: It’s a beautiful day The…
Raining day, Magnolias, Cherry blossoms G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S
Tweet It was a raining day in New York City and I decided to go to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden to enjoy the G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S magnolias and the cherry blossoms. Their…
Save the Geese
Tweet Video of the tribute to the geese at Tupper’s Gala. Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NYC. 4-2-2011. Welcome to my blog. This is my first post. I want to dedicate it…