Caravans of Refugees.

THIS PHOTO: Refugees from Central America in Tijuana, Mexico. December/2018. ESTA FOTO: Refugiadas y refugiados de Centroamérica en Tijuana, México. Diciembre/2018. Photo by Javier Soriano/
THIS PHOTO: Refugees from Central America in Tijuana, Mexico. December/2018.
ESTA FOTO: Refugiadas y refugiados de Centroamérica en Tijuana, México. Diciembre/2018.
Photo by Javier Soriano/

UPDATED on Sunday, June 9, 2019.

THANKS for your support. I will keep supporting our sisters and brothers refugees.
The white supremacist, racist, xenophobe, homophobe, Islamophobe, sexist, misogynist, etc. guy in the white house wanted to impose tariffs to mexican products because Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador wanted to help refugees. 
I am still looking for a gallery, museum, etc. to have the photography exhibition. I have been asking people but nobody is interested. 

UPDATED on Monday, January 21, 2019. 11:10AM.

New caravan of immigrants left last night from San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Their motto: “We seek asylum. In Honduras they kill us.”

I was in Mexico with the caravans of immigrants/refugees from Central America in November and December del 2018. I will have a photography exhibition in New York City with photos of the caravans of refugees soon (I will also make a documentary about immigrants).

Having a photography exhibition is great. However, paying for the prints, frames, transportation, etc. can be expensive. If you would like to help me, you can make a donation on It is safe. Click here to make a donation using . 

Do you know a gallery, museum, etc. in New York City where I can exhibit photos of the caravans of refugees? Send me a message.


ACTUALIZADO el Lunes, 21 de Enero, 2019. 11:10AM.

Nueva Caravana de inmigrantes partió anoche de San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Su lema: “Buscamos refugio. En Honduras nos matan”.

Estuve en México con las caravanas de inmigrantes/refugiad@s de Centroamérica en noviembre y diciembre del 2018. Pronto voy a tener una exhibición de fotografía en Nueva York con fotos de las caravanas de refugiadas y refugiados (también voy a hacer un documental sobre inmigrantes).

Tener una exposición de fotografía es muy bueno. Sin embargo, pagar por las impresiones de las fotos, los marcos, el transporte, etc. puede ser costoso. Si quieres ayudarme, puedes hacer una donación usando Es seguro. Oprime aquí para hacer una donación ahora usando

¿Conoces una galería, un museo, etc. en la ciudad de Nueva York donde pueda exhibir fotos de las caravanas de refugiadas y refugiados? Envíeme un mensaje.

THIS PHOTO: Refugee from Central America in Guadalajara, Mexico. November/2018. ESTA FOTO: Refugiada de Centroamérica en Guadalajara, México. Noviembre/2018. Photo by Javier Soriano/

THIS PHOTO: Refugee from Central America in Guadalajara, Mexico. November/2018.
ESTA FOTO: Refugiada de Centroamérica en Guadalajara, México. Noviembre/2018.
Photo by Javier Soriano/


UPDATED ON 12/30/2018. 2:30PM.
I am back in New York City. I will share some photos soon. I will also make a short documentary. I will return to Tijuana in 2019. You can still make a donation.

Make a contribution of $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100 or more today. Click here to make a donation using or click here to make a donation on You can also make a monthly donation on Patreon. THANKS!

1/19/2017 NYC - Rally “We Stand United”. Photo by Javier Soriano/
1/19/2017 NYC – Rally “We Stand United”.
Photo by Javier Soriano/

My name is Javier Soriano. I am a freelance photojournalist living in New York City. I have covered many rallies, marches and other events in NYC. You can see some of my photography/video work on my site:

As an asylee, immigrant, Mexican citizen and US citizen, I feel the need to document with photography and video the Caravans of Refugees from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and other countries from Central America. I came from a impoverished Mexican community and because of my sexual orientation, I also had to migrate for my safety. Refugees in the caravans come from extreme impoverished communities. They are also fleeing violence.

I am planning in traveling to Mexico (if I get the necessary funds) in November to meet with the refugees traveling to the United States of America and document what children, women and men are going through. As a Queer man, I am also interested in documenting members of the LGBTQQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and others) community traveling in the caravans. There are approximately 250 LGBTQ+ refugees with the first caravan. There are more LGBTQ+ refugees with the other caravans.

Make a contribution of $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100 or more today. Click here to make a donation using or click here to make a donation on You can also make a monthly donation on Patreon. I will cover all the caravans in Mexico. Your donation will help me with travel expenses from New York City to Mexico, transportation within Mexico, food expenses in Mexico, phone and Internet service in Mexico, travel expenses from Mexico to New York City, etc.

1/29/2017 Battery Park, NYC - People’s protectors in support of Muslims, refugees, immigrants. Photo by Javier Soriano/
1/29/2017 Battery Park, NYC – People’s protectors in support of Muslims, refugees, immigrants.
Photo by Javier Soriano/

On Wednesday, October 31st, 2018, President Trump said that he would deploy as many as 15,000 military personnel (on top of Border Control, ICE and others) to the border with Mexico in response to caravans of Central American refugees. If the deployment reaches 15,000 troops, it would be almost the equivalent to the size of the U.S. military’s presence in Afghanistan and three times the size of the presence in Iraq.

AP says “A third caravan of migrants — this time from El Salvador — waded over the Suchiate River into Mexico on Friday (November 2, 2018) , bringing another 1,000 to 1,500 people who want to reach the U.S. border.

Though the first caravan once numbered as many as 7,000, Mexico’s Interior Department estimated that, as of Friday (November 2, 2018), it numbered only 3,000 people.

The second caravan, also of about 1,000 to 1,500 people, entered Mexico earlier this week and is now in Mapastepec, Chiapas. The second group includes Hondurans, Salvadorans and some Guatemalans. In addition, the government identified a fourth, smaller group of 300 Central American migrants walking further ahead, in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz.”

Another caravan of refugees has set out from the Salvadoran capital on Sunday, October 28, 2018.

Retired Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr (a Black guy) sent an email to his supporters saying, “A caravan with a band of terrorists, gang members, murderers, and drug lords is marching on our southern border RIGHT NOW. And the Democrats refuse to do ANYTHING to stop them. Thank goodness President Trump is willing to stand up and mobilize our military to protect our country from this illegal immigrant invasion. Make a grassroots donation today to show you stand with President Trump in his effort to STOP this caravan invasion and protect Americans from violent criminals. CONTRIBUTE $25. CONTRIBUTE $50. CONTRIBUTE $75. CONTRIBUTE $100. CONTRIBUTE $250. CONTRIBUTE OTHER AMOUNT.”

Refugees intend to enter the U.S. via a claim of asylum. The process is not easy, but anyone has the right to claim asylum. Will the US government allow them to apply for asylum?

Donald Trump said that he wants to end birthright citizenship through executive order. An executive order cannot reverse the guarantee of citizenship to anyone born in the United States. He doesn’t have that power. He wants to scare people. The US Constitution cannot be erased by a president.

Indigenous people have been living here for thousands of years. Everyone else came from other countries.

Click here to make a donation using or click here to make a donation on You can also make a monthly donation on Patreon. Make a contribution of $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100 or more today. Your donation will help me with travel expenses from New York City to Mexico, transportation within Mexico, food expenses in Mexico, phone and Internet service in Mexico, travel expenses from Mexico to New York City, etc. If I get the necessary funds, I will cover all the caravans traveling through Mexico. This is a humanitarian crisis. Together we can support refugees from Central America!

Thanks so much for your support!

1/25/2017 Washington Square Park, NYC - New Yorkers support Muslims, Immigrants, Refugees. Photo by Javier Soriano/
1/25/2017 Washington Square Park, NYC – New Yorkers support Muslims, Immigrants, Refugees.
Photo by Javier Soriano/

11/1/2018. Mexico: LGBT+ community denounce ‘double discrimination’ in migrant caravan.
“A LGBT+ group fleeing discrimination in their home countries have complained of suffering further abuse at the hands of migrants in the caravan travelling northwards through Central America to the United States.
Some of them recounted their experiences of double discrimination due to sexual orientation on the outskirts of Matias Romero, Oaxaca, this Thursday (November 1st, 2018).”

10/30/2018. First caravan of refugees in Juchitán de Zaragoza. Oaxaca. Mexico.
“People are just drifting into this town after walking through the early hours of the morning, busy with finding somewhere to sleep, finding food, somewhere to repair their feet, and maybe have a shower.”

10/29/2018. Mexico: Second migrant caravan crosses river entering Mexico.
“Thousands of people crossed the Suchiate river between Guatemala and Mexico heading northwards into the Mexican state of Chiapas on Monday (October 29, 2018), in what is believed to be the second migrant caravan.
Many were seen forming a human chain to reach the riverbank on Mexico’s side of the border, but were met by ranks of Mexican federal police, who blocked them from entering and forced them to wait until an agreement was reached.”

11/2/2018. Guatemala: Migrants cross into Mexico in search of ”American dream’
“A third caravan of migrants crossed the Suchiate River in Tecun Uman on Friday (November 2, 2018), which marks the border between Mexico and Guatemala. Some 1,000 to 1,500 people – most of whom are from El Salvador – are now making their way north to the United States.”

10/28/2018. Migrant Caravan Leaves El Salvador, Hopes To Reach United States.
This is the fifth caravan of refugees. Refugees has set out from the Salvadoran capital on Sunday, October 28, 2018.

11/2/2018. Migrant caravans continue journey to the US, despite Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric.
“Thousands of Central Americans continue their slow journey to the US, although they won’t reach the border before the midterm elections.”

US troops prepare for the arrival of the caravans of refugees.

I might also need to travel to the US-Mexico border. Thousands of US soldiers are at the border waiting for the arrival of the caravans. Make a contribution of $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100 or more today so I can cover all the caravans traveling through mexico. Click here to make a donation using or click here to make a donation on You can also make a monthly donation on Patreon. Your donation will help me with travel expenses from New York City to Mexico, transportation within Mexico, food expenses in Mexico, phone and Internet service in Mexico, travel expenses from Mexico to New York City, etc. Again, this is a humanitarian crisis. Together we can support refugees tell their stories! THANK YOU!

UPDATE on 11/11/2018: Some members of the first caravan arrived to Tijuana today. Two buses with around 80 people arrived at the Bus Station. Most of the passengers are members of the LGBTQ+ community, but families with children also arrived. Most members of the first caravan of approximately 4,500 people begin to arrive at the state of Guanajuato; while the second caravan of almost 1,800 people will arrive in Puebla City today. Meanwhile, the third caravan arrived this morning at the municipality of Juan Rodríguez Clara, Veracruz state; this caravan of almost 2,000 people is directed by the priest and activist Alejandro Solalinde.

HASHTAGS: #CaravanOfRefugees #CaravanaDeRefugiados #ExodoDeInmigrantes #CaravanaDeMigrantes #CaravanaDeRefugiadas #CaravanaDeInmigrantes #RefugeesAreWelcome #CaravanOfImmigrants #RefugeesAreWelcome #LGBT #LGBTQ #Gay #Lesbian #Bisexual #Transgender #Queer #Homosexual

1/25/2017 Washington Square Park, NYC - New Yorkers support Muslims, Immigrants, Refugees. Photo by Javier Soriano/
1/25/2017 Washington Square Park, NYC.
Photo by Javier Soriano/

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