¿Qué pasa?
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
The terrorist, zionist, racist, apartheid state of Israel, with the help of democrat and republican politicians from the United States of America, politicians from Canada and politicians from Europe, have been bombing Gaza, Palestine for 32 days.
People in the world: #WeWillMarch until there’s a ceasefire in Gaza, Palestine ???????? and until ZIONISM is banned from the world.
Zionism is colonialism.
Zionism is nazism.
Zionism is terrorism.
Zionism is racism.
Zionism is imperialism.
Zionism is fascism.
Zionism is white supremacy.
Zionism is genocide.
Judaism YES, zionism NO!
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
The Democratic Party, the Republican Party, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and others in the United States of America support the zionist, terrorist state of Israel. You are a HYPOCRITE if you say you support Palestine, but you vote for zionist, corrupt, war criminal, genocide Joe Biden. You are a HYPOCRITE if you say you support Palestine, but you vote for zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. BOYCOTT the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, BOYCOTT Joe Biden, BOYCOTT Donald Trump, BOYCOTT Robert F. Kennedy Jr., BOYCOTT Bernie Sanders, BOYCOTT Kamala Harris, BOYCOTT democrats and republicans.
Lunes 6 de noviembre de 2023
En 31 días, Israel, con la ayuda de políticos estadounidenses, canadienses y europeos, ha matado a más de 10,000 personas Indígenas palestinas, entre ellas más de 4,000 bebés, niños y niñas. Esto no es una guerra, es un HOLOCAUSTO contra bebés, niñas, niños, mujeres, hombres, madres, padres, abuelas, abuelos, ancianos, ancianas, médicos, médicas, enfermeras, enfermeros, periodistas en Palestina.
Martes 18 de julio de 2023
Quiero viajar en estos trenes en México: tren Chepe (Sinaloa y Chihuahua), tren Maya (Quintana Roo, Yucatán, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas), tren Interurbano (Ciudad de México y Estado de México).
Lunes 19 de junio de 2023.
“El 19 de junio de 1865, dos años después de que el presidente Abraham Lincoln presentara la Proclamación de Emancipación, los esclavos en Texas finalmente recibieron la noticia: eran libres”, dice la Asociación Nacional para el Avance de la Gente de Color (NAACP).
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
The smoke from the wildfires in Canada is in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Queens, New York City. I canceled my outdoor activities.
US politicians, close the USA-Canada border!
In all seriousness, Mother Nature, animals & people are being affected by the wildfires.
Miércoles 7 de junio de 2023
El humo de los incendios forestales en Canadá está en Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Queens, Nueva York. Cancelé mis actividades al aire libre.
¡Políticos estadounidenses, cierren la frontera entre Estados Unidos de América y Canadá!
Con toda seriedad, la madre naturaleza, los animales y las personas están siendo afectadas por los incendios forestales.
Monday, September 26, 2022
“Today we are standing on Lenapehoking land.
The land of the Lenape.
And it is not New York City, this is Lenape territory.”_Activist in front of the Mexican Consulate in NYC. Anniversary of the 8 years of the disappearance of the 43 students of Ayotzinapa, Gerrero; Mexico.
Lunes 26 de septiembre de 2022
Hoy estamos en Lenapehoking.
La tierra de los Lenape.
Y no es la ciudad de Nueva York, esto es territorio Lenape.”_Activista frente al Consulado de México en NYC. Aniversario de los 8 años de la desaparición de los 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa, Guerrero; México.
Viernes 23 de septiembre de 2022
Gente, turistas en Guadalajara, Jalisco; México, en lugar de usar calandrias (carretas, carruajes) jaladas por caballos, usen las calandrias eléctricas. Las calandrias eléctricas evitan el maltrato a los caballos y ayudan con el medio ambiente.
Domingo 28 agosto de 2022.
Nací en las montañas, no nací en un hospital, quizás por eso amo a los animales en libertad, en su hábitat natural. Desde que era un bebé vi a los animales silvestres libres.
Una partera (mi tía) ayudó a mi madre a traerme a este mundo.
No deben existir prisiones o cárceles de animales (zoológicos, acuarios y otros lugares similares). Deben ser abolidos. Deben estar prohibidos.
Amo a la Madre Naturaleza y la Madre Naturaleza me ama a mí.
Sunday, August 28, 2022.
I was born in the mountains, I was not born in a hospital, maybe that is why I love animals in freedom, in their natural habitat. Since I was a baby I saw wild animals free.
A midwife (my aunt) helped my mother bring me into this world.
Animal prisons (zoos, aquariums and other similar places) should not exist. They must be abolished. They must be banned.
I love Mother Nature and Mother Nature loves me.
Saturday, August 27, 2022.
“The Zionist fallacy of ‘Jewish supremacy’ Framing Zionism as Jewish and not white supremacy is a dangerous proposition.”_Yoav Litvin / www.aljazeera.com
Saturday, August 27, 2022.
Anti-Zionism is NOT antisemitism.
Judaism is a religion.
Zionism is terrorism.
Zionism is settler colonialism.
Zionism is white supremacy.
Zionism is racism.
Zionism is imperialism.
Zionism is fascism.
Judaism YES, zionism NO!
Free Palestine!
Monday, July 4, 2022
The July 4th celebration is a celebration of genocide, white supremacy and imperialism.
European invaders STOLE Native land and killed thousands of Indigenous people (Native Americans).
The “founding fathers” of the United States of America had Black slaves.
New York City is Lenape land. Land Back NOW!
The lieutenant governor of New York is a Black man: Antonio Delgado.
The NYC mayor is a Black man: Eric Adams.
The NYPD Commissioner is a Black woman: Keechant Sewell.
The NYC Council Speaker is a Black woman: Adrienne Eadie Adams.
The NYC Public Advocate is a Black man: Jumaane D. Williams.
Friday, 5/15/2020
May is National Photography Month.
Let’s celebrate.
17 Types of Photography: Which Niche is Right for You?
“Our thoughts can make us sick… Our thoughts can makes us well”_Dr. Joe Dispenza
“Nuestros pensamientos pueden enfermarnos … Nuestros pensamientos pueden curarnos”_Dr. Joe Dispenza
#KnowYourValue Love yourself unconditionally.
Playing the victim role doesn’t help you.
Let go your victim mentality & your life will change forever.
You got programs from your parents & others.
Let go programs that doesn’t help you anymore.
Believe in yourself.
LIVE AND LET LIVE: An idiom expressing the modern concept that one should let others live their lives as they see fit.
“When we live and let live, we don’t need to criticize, judge, or condemn others. We have no need to control them or try and make them conform to our way of thinking. We let others live their own lives and we live ours.
This simple slogan helps center us on our own dual recovery and on living our own life in the best way we know how. Live and let live is one of the keys to peace in our lives. When we practice tolerance in our lives we are liberated to work on our own issues. When we use this slogan we end many of the conflicts in our lives and gain the ability to stop new ones before they build into big ones.”_DRA
NYC Public parks (and parks in our country) must be open 24/7. The NYPD must stop giving tickets to people for being in parks after dark.
If Russia, Mexico, Jamaica, France, England, etc. can have parks open 24/7, our country can also has parks open day and night.
Los parques públicos en la Ciudad de Nueva York (y en el país) deben estar abiertos las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana. El NYPD debe dejar de dar tickets a las personas por estar en parques después que oscurece.
Si Rusia, México, Jamaica, Francia, Inglaterra, etc. pueden tener parques abiertos las 24 horas, nuestro país también puede tener parques abiertos las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana.
#WhatWomenWant… “They want to love themselves unconditionally, that way, others will love them unconditionally, too.
If we do not love ourselves unconditionally, how do we expect others to love us unconditionally?”_Javier Soriano
#LoQueQuierenLasMujeres….. “Quieren amarse a sí mismas incondicionalmente, de esa manera, otras personas también las amarán incondicionalmente.
Si no nos amamos incondicionalmente, ¿cómo esperamos que los demás nos amen incondicionalmente?”_JavierSoriano
Instead of cow milk, drink soy milk or cashew milk or almond milk.
Cows and their babies suffer in those places. Watch this video:
On #NativeAmericanHeritageDay, I would like to remind you that we, Indigenous people are not Indians because we are not from India. Christopher Columbus was lost. He thought he was in India, that is why he said we were Indians. Decolonize your mind. Reprogram yourself.#Love
#NativeAmericanHeritageDay Me gustaría recordarles que nosotros, los Indígenas, no somos indios porque no somos de la India.
Cristóbal Colón estaba perdido. Pensó que estaba en la India, por eso dijo que éramos indios.
#Descoloniza tu mente. Reprogramate. #Amor
Most Australians have voted in favor of legalizing Same Sex Marriage.
VOTE YES WINS with 61.1% of the vote. 7,817,247 people voted yes. 4,873,987 voted no. More than 12.7 million people voted.
La mayoría de l@s Australianas y Australianos han votado a favor de legalizar el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo.
VOTO SI GANA con el 61.1% de los votos. 7,817,247 personas votaron sí. 4,873,987 votó no. Más de 12.7 millones de personas votaron.
“Why this loyalty to that that doesn’t serve you?”_Mooji
(¿Por qué esta lealtad a eso que no te sirve?_Mooji)
In the end we are not so different. We see the same moon and the same sun.
Al final no somos tan diferentes. Vemos la misma luna y el mismo sol.
Mis oraciones, pensamientos positivos están con personas afectadas por el Huracán María en el Caribe y el terremoto en la Ciudad de México y otras partes de México. Yo y otras personas les ayudaremos. Estamos juntos.
My prayers, positive thoughts are with people affected by Hurricane Maria in the Caribbean and the earthquake in Mexico City and other parts of Mexico. I and other people will help you. We are together.
I am so grateful!
I thank my cells
I thank my body
I thank my mind
I thank my heart
I thank life!
¡Estoy muy agradecido!
Agradezco a mis células
Agradezco a mi cuerpo
Agradezco a mi mente
Agradezco a mi corazón
¡Agradezco a la vida!
“It’s not what people say or do
It’s how I perceive what people say or do.”_Javier Soriano
We are a universe in a universe!
Thank your cells today!
We have trillions of cells in our bodies. Millions die and are replaced every second.
Thanks cells! Thanks body!
“No es lo que la gente dice o hace
Es cómo percibo lo que la gente dice o hace.”_Javier Soriano
¡Somos un universo en un universo!
¡Dale las gracias a tus células hoy!
Tenemos trillones de células en nuestros cuerpos. Millones mueren y son reemplazadas cada segundo.
¡Gracias células! ¡Gracias cuerpo!
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man” – Heraclitus.
Bernie Sanders lead a movement. A movement can have leaders. Leaders can say whatever they want, but we don’t just follow like sheeps. We operate organically and moves on our own. We make our own choices! We make our own decitions!
Bernie Sanders lidera un movimiento. Un movimiento puede tener líderes. Los líderes pueden decir lo que quieran, pero no seguimos como ovejas. Operamos orgánicamente y nos movemos por nuestra cuenta. ¡Hacemos nuestras propias elecciones! ¡Hacemos nuestras propias decisiones!
#HurricaneIrma2017 You don’t want refugees, but you need refuge? I support people from this country/other countries that need refuge. #LOVE
#HurricaneIrma2017 ¿No quieres refugiados, pero necesitas refugio? Apoyo a personas de este país/otros países que necesitan refugio. #AMOR
Name something you are grateful for today.
Nombra algo de lo que estas agradecid@ hoy.
The Caribbean Carnival in New York City starts tomorrow, 8/31/2017. I have been waiting a year for one of the best events in NYC. I’m happy!
Click here to see PHOTOS, VIDEOS and MORE INFO.
El Carnaval del Caribe en Nueva York comienza mañana, 31/8/2017. He estado esperando un año para uno de los mejores eventos en Nueva York. ¡Estoy feliz!
Oprime aquí para ver FOTOS y VIDEOS.
Today is National Kiss and Make Up Day.
It is a good day to end the the fights.
Even when I don’t see them,
Colors are out there.
Even when I don’t see it,
The rainbow is somewhere.
Even if someone did something that I didn’t like,
Today is a good day to forgive and let the anger go away.
Even if I don’t see it,
the sun is somewhere up there.
Today is National Kiss and Make Up Day.
It is a good day to make love all day!
Hoy es Día Nacional del Beso y de Hacer las Paces.
Es un buen día para terminar las peleas.
Incluso cuando no los veo,
Los colores están ahí afuera.
Incluso cuando no lo veo,
El arco iris está en alguna parte.
Incluso si alguien hizo algo que no me gustó,
Hoy es un buen día para perdonar y dejar que la ira se vaya.
Incluso si no lo veo,
El sol está en algún lugar alla arriba.
Hoy es Día Nacional del Beso y de Hacer las Paces.
¡Es un buen día para hacer el amor todo el día!
I AGREE. Jefferson Memorial and other public monuments to people who owned slaves should not receive public funds.
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington owned slaves. Those statues must stop receiving public funds and be removed from public places. If you support slave owners, you can keep them in your home.
“We are all together in this planet. We are all leaves of the same tree. We are all interconnected.”_Javier Soriano
“Estamos tod@s junt@s en este planeta. Somos tod@s hojas de un mismo árbol. Tod@s estamos interconectad@s.”_Javier Soriano
I love my teacher Thich Nhat Hanh!
“German parliament voted to legalise same-sex marriage. Since 2001, same-sex couples in Germany have been able to enter into civil unions, but not to marry. Under the new law, which is expected to take effect before the end of the year, married, same-sex couples will also be able to adopt children together.”_The Guardian
“El parlamento alemán votó a favor de la legalización del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Desde el 2001, las parejas del mismo sexo en Alemania han sido capaces de entrar en uniones civiles, pero no casarse. Con la nueva ley, que se espera que entre en vigor antes del final de año, las parejas casadas del mismo sexo también podrán adoptar a niñ@s junt@s.”_ The Guardian
“Once I understand your suffering, your emotional pain, then I do not judge you anymore. We walk together hand by hand.
If I can see your suffering, then I recognize my own suffering. I see my own emotional pain in you. You are my mirror. You are helping me to see my own emotional pain. Thanks!”_Javier Soriano
“Una vez que entiendo tu sufrimiento, tu dolor emocional, entonces ya no te juzgo. Caminamos junt@s tomad@s de la mano.
Si puedo ver tu sufrimiento, entonces reconozco mi propio sufrimiento. Veo mi propio dolor emocional en ti. Eres mi espejo. Me estás ayudando a ver mi propio dolor emocional. ¡Gracias!”_Javier Soriano
“I love you so much because you helped me to work out my vibrational dysfunctions.”_Javier Soriano
“Te amo mucho porque me ayudaste a resolver mis disfunciones vibratorias.”_Javier Soriano
“Amo la luz porque me muestra el camino y amo la sombra que me ayuda a ver las estrellas.”_Javier Soriano
“I love the light because it shows me the way and I love the shadow that helps me see the stars.”_Javier Soriano
“#TuesdayThoughts Today is a really good day. It doesn’t matter how was yesterday. Today is a new day and it’s full of new opportunities. I’m grateful!”_Javier Soriano
“Hoy es un día muy bueno. No importa cómo fue ayer. Hoy es un nuevo día y está lleno de nuevas oportunidades. ¡Estoy agradecid@! #FelizMartes.”_Javier Soriano
“IMAGINE if schools have meditation, yoga and other “classes” for the soul. The intellect is good, but we are more than that.”_Javier Soriano
“IMAGINE si las escuelas tienen meditación, yoga y otras “clases” para el alma. El intelecto es bueno, pero somos más que eso.”_Javier Soriano
Tired of running…Let’s walk for a minute.
Tired of fighting…Let’s love for a minute.
Tired of drinking…Let’s be sober for a minute.
Tired of working…Let’s rest for a minute.
Tired of smoking…Let’s breath clean air for a minute.
Tired of saying yes…Let’s say NO for a minute.
Tired of being online…Let’s take a break for a minute.
Author: Javier Soriano
Today is Earth Day!
The environment is the one thing that affects every single one of us. #EarthDay pic.twitter.com/GD3ztjzNkc
— ATTN: (@attn) April 21, 2017
I will cover the March for Science in NYC on Saturday, April 22, 2017.
I will cover the March for Science in #NYC. Support #IndependentMedia. Become my #Patreon now. #MarchForScience… https://t.co/WsBNE6dPQI
— Javier Soriano (@JavierSorianoNY) April 19, 2017
Hoy es la primera vez que se celebra en USA el #DíaDeLasMujeresMusulmanas. Se centra en las voces y experiencias de las mujeres musulmanas.
Today, March 27th, 2017, it’s the first #MuslimWomensDay. The campaign seeks to center on the voices and experiences of Muslim women.
Hoy es la primera vez que se celebra en USA el #DíaDeLasMujeresMusulmanas. Se centra en las voces y experiencias de las mujeres musulmanas.
— Javier Soriano (@JavierSorianoNY) March 27, 2017
Today, March 27th, 2017, it’s the first #MuslimWomensDay. The campaign seeks to center on the voices and experiences of Muslim women.
— Javier Soriano (@JavierSorianoNY) March 27, 2017
People’s Lawyer Lynne Stewart passed away.
Friday, March 10, 2017 from 2-9 PM
Scotto’s Funeral Home, 106 1st Place, Brooklyn, between Court & Smith Sts.
Trains: 2,3,4,5 to Court St. or A,C,F to Jay St. Metro Tech.
Saturday, March 11, 2017 at 9:00 AM
St. Mark’s-in-the-Bowery Church
131 East 10th St., corner of 2nd Ave., Lower East Side
Trains: 6 to Astor Pl., F to 2nd Ave., 7 to 3rd Ave., R to 8th St.
I don’t watch the Super Bowl, but I like that some companies support immigrants.
Donald Trump supporters want to boycott Starbucks, Budweiser, Coke, Google, Airbnb, 84 because these companies support immigrants.
9 “Founding Fathers” of the United States of America were immigrants and the others were descendants of immigrants. Will Trump supporters boycott America and go back to Europe?
Soon trump supporters will run out of food, drinks and other things in the U.S. of America (they can always drink Coronas and eat tacos with avocados from Mexico…). May I suggest they move to the United Kingdom with Theresa May.
They will be across the ocean, but I will still love them!
Los partidarios de Donald Trump quieren boycotear a Starbucks, Budweiser, Coke, Google, Airbnb, 84 Lumber porque estas empresas apoyan a los inmigrantes.
9 “Padres Fundadores” de los Estados Unidos de América eran inmigrantes y los otros eran descendientes de inmigrantes. ¿Los partidarios de Trump boicotearán a Estados Unidos y volverán a Europa?
Pronto los seguidoresde Trump se quedarán sin comida, bebidas y otras cosas en los Estados Unidos de América (ell@s siempre pueden tomar Coronas y comer tacos con aguacates de México…). Puedo sugerir que se trasladen al Reino Unido con Theresa May.
¡Estarán al otro lado del océano, pero todavía los amaré!
“The path to abundance is through the path of least resistance.”_Javier Soriano
“El camino hacia la abundancia es a través del camino de menor resistencia.”_Javier Soriano
1/14/2017 – Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (‘The Cruelest Show on Earth.’) is closing forever in May, 2017, after 146 years.
I took these pics at a protest in front of the Barclays Center.
El circo de Ringling Bros planea cerrar “El espectáculo más cruel de la Tierra” en Mayo del 2017. Menos animales sufrirán. Los animales en los circos, acuarios, zoológicos y otros lugares sufren. No asistas a esos lugares. Enseñale a tus hijas e hijos amor por los animales.
1/13/2017 NYC – I created an original #artwork for “Postcards from the Edge.” You can buy it and support Visual AIDS.
Click here for more info.
De acuerdo a Animal Político, “El 2017 iniciará con un incremento en el costo de la gasolina y el diésel, debido a la liberalización de los precios en varias partes del país.
Hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2016 el precio de las gasolinas y el diésel estará sujeto a un precio máximo impuesto por el gobierno federal. Pero a partir del próximo año se iniciará su liberalización para quedar completamente liberado el 1 de enero de 2018.
“Eso sucederá igual en el caso de las gasolinas; subirá cuando suban sus costos, bajará cuando se reduzcan sus costos, y eso implicará que su impacto inflacionario se vaya atenuando en el tiempo, toda vez que habrá en el precio de la gasolina, como en cualquier otro precio en la economía, ocasiones en donde suba y ocasiones en donde baje”, dijo Meade Kuribreña.
Lalo no solo nos lleva a diferentes partes de México a conocer la deliciosa comida mexicana, también dice “Ya basta de Gasolinazos, Ya basta de quedarnos callados.”
Ve los videos de “La Ruta de la Garnacha.”
Ara Iglesias: “Ayer me di cuenta que somos muchos los que queremos actuar y no sabemos cómo. #MexicanosActivos”
Millones de mexicanas y mexicanos no estan de acuerdo que el precio de la gasolina aumente. México es un país petrolero. ¿Por qué continua aumentando el precio de la gasolina?
1/12/2017 Hashtag trending on Twitter: #DescribeYourselfin5words compassionate, passionate, caring, creative, loving.
#ObamaFarewell was on Tuesday, January 10th, 2017 at 9pm. Watch President Barack Obama’s full farewell speech bellow.
President-elect Donald Trump has threaten to impose punitive new tariffs on imports.
In February, 2016, United Technologies announced it would moved two Indianapolis factories to Mexico. One was a Carrier air-conditioning plant, and the other was an electronic controls plant.
Indiana Gov. and Vice-President elect Mike Pence negotiated with Carrier and offered them new incentives to stay in Indianapolis. On Thursday, December 1st, 2016, Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence, appeared at Carrier’s Indianapolis factory to announce a deal with the company to keep almost 1,000 jobs in the state.
On Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017, Ford chief executive Mark Fields said the company has canceled plans to invest $1.6 billion to build a new plant in Mexico. Ford will use a little less than half of that amount into producing electric and self-driving vehicles at facilities they have in Michigan and Illinois.
According to Fields, this will create 700 jobs in the United States. Mark also said that the next-generation Ford Focus will be built at an existing facility Ford has in Mexico to save on costs.
What company will be next? General Motors? How much will Ford cars and other products cost, if they are made in the U.S.?
Will Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump bring their businesses to the U.S.? Will Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner stop doing business in other countries? If the Trump family bring their businesses to the U.S. of America, they will create jobs here, too.
If you want to support Mexico, travel to Mexico. MANY BEAUTIFUL places to visit, DELICIOUS food, FRIENDLY people, etc. and it’s really INEXPENSIVE for people with U.S. dollars.
1/1/2017 Brooklyn, NYC – First day of the year. Swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. I had fun!!!
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