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On Sunday, October 11, 2015, a group of Indigenous people from different indigenous groups gathered at the corner of 59th Street and Central Park in Manhattan, New York, to celebrate the 8th Annual Indigenous Day Of Remembrance. Organizers of the event, said on Facebook “We remember the sacrifices the Indigenous peoples suffered in 1492 and beyond under the tyranny of Christopher Columbus and those that followed him to the present day. We will never forget their sacrifices and suffering. We remember through storytelling, music, and ceremony.” Photo by Javier Soriano/
Photo taken on 10/11/2015, in NYC on the 8th Annual Indigenous Day Of Remembrance.
Foto tomada el 11/10/2015, en la Ciudad de Nueva York en el Octavo Día Anual de recordatorio de los Indígenas.
Photo by Javier Soriano/
11/5/2016 Manhattan - NYC Prayer March in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. Photo by Javier Soriano/
11/5/2016 Manhattan – NYC Prayer March in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation.
Photo by Javier Soriano/

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